From Donna D. Stilwell, Clarksburg, Maryland:

From Donna D. Stilwell, Clarksburg, Maryland:

I am a “born again” rider at the age of 51, and suffice it to say It has been about 15+years (OK, maybe 18 years) since I had been in the saddle. As a birthday gift my husband surprised me with lessons. Kirsten Lee was one of my first instructors and one of the most intuitive instructors I have ever met. Not only does she seem to have a “sixth sense” when in comes to understanding the needs of riders and their horses, but she has the ability to tune in to the teaching style that works best for each of her students. Kirsten is so highly trained I wasn’t sure that she would enjoy teaching a “beginner” like me, and I was almost embarrassed to get on my horse our first lesson. After all, why would somebody as educated, and experienced as Kirsten want to waste their time with me, I’m not interested in showing my horse, I certainly don’t intend to do competitive dressage or eventing. I just wanted to learn good safe riding techniques.

Well, let me tell you, I have never been more wrong about anything in my life. Kirsten thrives on teaching anyone who is willing and eager to learn, regardless of their level or ability (how lucky was I). From our first lesson, it was obvious to me that Kirsten was extremely knowledgeable with her teaching techniques, she could hone in on my needs and how I learned best, and she makes sure that a lesson always ends on a positive note for both me and my horse. She doesn’t “talk down” to you, but instead she gives clear, concise instructions. Sometimes I would have to ask her to explain something over and over, and she always did so with a smile, and she would always make sure you understood what she was teaching before moving on to the next lesson, even if it took extra time.

Kirsten will never make you feel bad about asking questions. Quite the contrary, she encourages you to ask questions if there are terms/directions that are not understood by the rider. Kirsten treats you and your horse as a “team” and I love that. Kirsten is a gentle soul with a great teaching technique, excellent credentials, and a love for horses and horsemanship………..If you are looking for a GREAT instructor…..Look no further. You’ve found her.

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